Click-through rate calculator
  • What is CTR (Click-through rate):
  • CTR stands for Click-through rate. It is the relationship between impressions and clicks: out of the number of times your ad or search result is shown to a visitor, how often users click it.
    Basically, click through rate is the number of times an ad is clicked divided by the number of times the page or ad unit is viewed.
  • Click-through rate formula:
  • Basically, click through rate is the number of times an ad is clicked divided by the number of times the page or ad unit is viewed
    CTR = No. of clicks / No. of Impressions
  • How to calculate click through rate:
  • Adpushup’s CTR calculator helps determine the percentages of users who are clicking on your ad versus percentage of people who are seeing them. With Adpushup’s click-through rate calculator, publishers can determine the CTR of ads based on ad clicks and ad impressions.
    Just enter the total number of impressions and clicks you’re getting on your ads and our CTR calculator will quickly give an estimate of average CTR:
Click Through Rate
  • How to increase your average CTR:
  • A low ad CTR is problematic because it can affect future ad placement and drag down your Quality scores. AdPushup’s newly updated CTR guide has some of the best tricks and case studies that publishers can use to increase Adsense CTR.
Cost per click calculator:
  • What is CPC (Cost per click):
  • CPC stands for cost per click; the price you pay for each click on one of your PPC ads. The cost per click is estimated by multiple factors including your quality score, maximum bid, and the ad rank of other biddings for the same keyword.
    Cost per click is an important metric because the total clicks and costs add up very fast. Hence, if the CPC is too high, you won’t be able to get returns of your ROI.
  • Cost per click formula:
  • Average cost-per-click (avg. CPC) is estimated by dividing the total cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks.
    CPC = Total cost of your clicks / Total number of clicks.
  • How to calculate Cost per click:
  • Adpushup’s CPC calculator is the best tool to get your estimated CPC. It helps you determine immediate and accurate CPC results. You can use the cost per click calculator to test different scenarios and for creating more successful campaigns.
    Just enter the total cost of your clicks and total number of clicks and our CPC calculator will quickly give an estimate of average CPC:
Cost per Click
Cost per mille calculator:
  • What is CPM (Cost per mille):
  • ‘Mille’ is Latin for thousand, which is why CPM is sometimes referred to as cost per thousand impressions.
    To put it simply, cost per mille is the amount of money that an advertiser spends (and a publisher receives) for every 1000 impressions on a publisher’s website.
  • Why is CPM important?
  • CPM is an important metric for both publishers and advertisers as it helps in keeping track of the ad performance. Advertisers can monitor the investments made on a publisher’s website effectively by taking CPM and CTR into account. Moreover, publishers can increase the value of their inventory by using target CPM.
  • Cost per mille formula:
  • To measure CPM, divide the total cost of the campaign by the number of impressions. The result is then multiplied by 1,000, generating the CPM rate.
    Cost per mille formula: (Calculated Budget of the Campaign/Number of impressions) X 1000
  • How to calculate cost per mille:
  • Adpushup’s CPM calculator helps determine total cost per thousand impressions. With Adpushup’s cost per mille calculator, publishers can determine the CPM of ads based on ad budget and ad impressions.
    Just enter the total number of impressions and total budget you’ve set for your ads and our CPM calculator will quickly give an estimate of average CPM:
Click Through Rate
  • How to increase your average CPM:
  • A low ad CMP is problematic because it can affect future ad placements and drag down your Quality scores.
    While the real issues for low CPMs vary from publisher to publisher, we have tried to cover some common issues that all publishers must look into. AdPushup’s newly updated CPM guide has some of the best tricks and case studies that publishers can use to increase Adsense CPC.
Effective cost per mille calculator
  • What is eCPM (Click-through rate):
  • eCPM stands for effective cost per mille. It is the revenue earned by a publisher for every one thousand impressions. You need to pay special attention to the term ‘effective’. Here, effective CPM means the revenue earned by the publishers, effectively.
    eCPM is not just calculated using CPM campaigns but also CPC, CPL and other such campaigns running via publisher’s inventory.
  • Effective cost per mille formula:
  • eCPM is cumulative revenue generated by publishers per thousand impressions, some of which also get clicked, converted into leads and customers for the advertisers.
    eCPM = Estimated Earnings / Total No. of Impressions) X 1000
  • How to calculate effective cost per mille:
  • Adpushup’s eCPM calculator helps determine the percentages of users who are clicking on your ad versus percentage of people who are seeing them. With Adpushup’s click-through rate calculator, publishers can determine the CTR of ads based on ad clicks and ad impressions.
    Just enter the total number of impressions and clicks you’re getting on your ads and our CTR calculator will quickly give an estimate of average CTR:
Effective Cost Per Mille
Cost per engagement calculator
  • What is CPE (Cost per engagement):
  • CPE stands for cost per engagement. It is an advertising pricing model within which advertisers only pay for ads when visitors interact with their campaign in some way.
    Here, “engagement,’’ refers to interactions such as signing up for a free trial, muting the video, taking a survey, reviewing the product, or sharing the post on social media.
    In short, the cost per engagement model assures that advertisers get ROI towards their ad spends.
  • Cost per engagement formula:
  • We can calculate cost per engagement or CPE by dividing the total cost spent by the total measured engagements.
    CPE = total cost spent / total measured engagements
  • How to calculate cost per engagement:
  • Adpushup’s cost per engagement calculator helps determine the percentages of users who are engaging with your ad versus the percentage of regular visitors. With Adpushup’s cost per engagement calculator, publishers can determine the CPE of ads based on different types of interactions.
    Just enter the total budget and total measured engagements on your ads and our CPE calculator will quickly give an estimate of average CPE:
Cost per Engagement
UTM Link Builder:
  • What is a UTM Link Builder:
  • UTMs (Urchin Tracking Module) is useful for getting granular insights about your traffic and ad campaigns. Marketers who consistently use UTMs in link tagging are able to collect valuable insights on their customer’s journey.
  • What are UTM parameters:
  • According to the Kissmetrics definition, “UTM parameters are simply tags that you add to a URL. When someone clicks on a URL with UTM parameters, those tags are sent back to your Google Analytics for tracking.”
  • Why are UTM codes important:
  • UTM codes are small texts you can add to a link to tell Google Analytics a little bit more information about each link.
    UTM codes help digital marketers or website owners track the performance of each of those links so you can see where your traffic is coming from. You can use the UTM variables within the link to track general information, like how much traffic you're getting from social media.
  • How to generate UTM link
  • AdPushup’s UTM builder (or UTM link builder) helps generate tracking codes that work with almost all analytics platforms including Kissmetrics, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Amplitude. You just need to end the website URL, Campaign source, medium, name, and content.
UTM Link Builder
Cost to Client or Customer Acquisition Cost:
  • What is Customer Acquisition Cost?
  • The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) or Cost to Client is a metric that is used by marketers to determine the total average cost they are spending to acquire a new customer.
  • Why is it important to know CAC?
  • Knowing total cost to the client gives an idea of the average amount that is being spent on acquiring a new customer. It helps teams keep a tab on their spending because an increase in CAC indicates an underlying problem.
  • How to calculate the cost per acquisition or Cost to client:
  • To calculate CAC, you need to simply divide the total amount spent on acquiring customers by the number of new customers acquired through the same campaign.
    Adpushup’s CAC calculator helps you calculate cost per acquisition by entering Gross cost and commission cost:
Cost to Client