
Michael Racic

Michael Racic is the Global Head of Programmatic and Data at Fandom.

Fandom is the world’s largest fan platform providing fans experience of virtual worlds spanning entertainment and gaming. It gets a staggering 315 million unique visitors per month! That's not all - its content arm, Fandom productions, has produced content that got nominated for Emmy Awards.

With such scale, you need a programmatic head who has his head firmly on his shoulders. And Michael is precisely that. Having held leadership positions at Rocket Fuel, UM, McCann, Optimedia, and FCB, he brings to Fandom the experience of handling and building scale. With 22 years in advertising and media, he is the man cut out for the job.Adrian Tsung-han Wu works as the Product Manager at Dcard. He is a business leader with a keen interest in advertisement and monetization strategy. He leads the new monetization product line of the Dcard Ad Platform, an automated, user-friendly, precisely targeted, and high-performance ad delivery system.Dcard is the largest anonymous campus social network and forum in Taiwan. It allows its users to share ideas without fear, regardless of background, age, or interest. Such is the popularity of this Taiwanese social networking site that is has gained 30 million users since it began operations in 2015.

AdPushup is a revenue optimization platform that helps publishers increase their ad revenue using automated A/B testing, header bidding, innovative ad formats, and adblock recovery. We are a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) and backed by Microsoft Ventures.

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