
Alexander Roesener

Alexander Roesner is the CEO and Founder of Gameforge. Gameforge, established in 2003, publishes and operates widely acclaimed Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) and Browser-based games. The first Gameforge game was released in 2002 by our CEO and founder Alexander Rösner.

Alexander completed his IT degree in 2003 and founded the internet provider Schlund + Partner, which later merged with United Internet AG. Subsequently, he became a director at 1&1 Puretec. Having an expertise in Online Gaming helps Alexander in his passion for it.

AdPushup is a revenue optimization platform that helps publishers increase their ad revenue using automated A/B testing, header bidding, innovative ad formats, and adblock recovery. We are a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) and backed by Microsoft Ventures.

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