
Gildas Croyal

Gildas is most known as a teacher who developed his own educational games website to make school teaching easier and more enjoyable for kids, but that wasn't how it all started.
Gildas had tried his hand at various jobs before becoming a teacher. Before pursuing a licensed education in philosophy, he studied and worked in finance. But he later opted to pursue music since he found it fascinating.

This passion drove Gildas to pursue music studies at the conservatory to become a performing musician. Talk about a man who follows his heart completely. Now, logicieleducatif.fr is one of the leading platforms for students who aim to learn music and makes it easy through a massive range of educational games. Specialists beautifully design all the fun after numerous experimentations and feedback from children and their parents.

In short, Gildas has completely transformed the concept of learning music online and has given children an extraordinary platform to chase their dreams from the beginning and, more importantly, without any problem whatsoever.

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